Run for Shelter
A Sincere Thanks
On September 10th over 200 people gathered at the Irving Nature Park for the first “Run for Shelter”, in support of Coverdale Center for Women Inc. and Outflow Ministries.
With your support we were able to raise over $19,000; enabling us to continue in our efforts to meet the needs of those most vulnerable in our community. Poverty has many faces and your support helps to spread our collective voice to the issues and the great work being done to combat them; bringing real change to the community of Saint John. All funds raised are going directly to those programs that will assist where and when the need is the greatest.
From the hearts of our respective organizations as well as the hearts of those we serve, we sincerely thank you for your support and participation in this, our first “Run for Shelter”. We can’t wait for next year!
Run for Shelter Volunteer Team